Artigo em A Tarde de hoje

Darwin, ciência e tecnologia

No dia 12 de fevereiro de 1809, nascia na pequena Shrewsbury o naturalista inglês Charles Darwin, famoso no mundo todo pelo seu delicado trabalho de investigação científica em torno da origem das espécies. Agora em 2009, comemoramse 200 anos do seu nascimento e 150 anos da publicação do livro marco da teoria da evolução, A Origem das Espécies.

O Museu de História Natural de Londres está com uma belíssima exposição sobre Darwin, associada a uma série de outras atividades que podem ser acompanhadas pela internet (, como também está na internet o trabalho do pesquisador britânico John van Wyhe, responsável pelo belo site Darwin online (

Hoje você encontra tudo sobre Darwin na rede, mas, na sua época, ele deve ter sofrido por não contar com nada parecido.

Para divulgar suas ideias, ao longo dos cinco anos de viagem do Beagle, ele escrevia cartas e mais cartas, dando conta de suas pesquisas. Para enviá-las, aproveitavase dos navios que cruzavam os mares da época. Tais cartas – muitas delas expostas na exposição de Londres – foram construindo a memória dessa histórica viagem e, o mais importante, possibilitaram ao mundo acompanhar seu trabalho científico, ao tempo em que davamlhe força política para a obtenção de mais recursos para suas pesquisas.

A ciência é feita assim, por gente de carne e osso, que trabalha duro como os demais trabalhadores, e que necessita de apoio e financiamento. Não é compreensível, portanto, que o Congresso Nacional recentemente tenha feito um corte de R$ 1,1 bilhão, representando 18% no orçamento do MCT para 2009.

Lamentável! Nossas universidades e centros de pesquisas precisam de condições concretas para pesquisar, desenvolver tecnologias e, simultaneamente, promover uma ampla difusão do conhecimento científico. Difusão essa que deve acontecer em todos os meios: jornais, revistas, TV, internet, mas também em exposições, museus e no cotidiano das escolas. O trabalho dentro das escolas é absolutamente fundamental e, para tanto, precisamos de professores com sólida formação inicial e em permanente e continuado aperfeiçoamento.

A formação científica da juventude é algo que não pode ser descuidada e demanda ações de todos os setores do governo, e não apenas da educação. Na Bahia, por exemplo, nos perguntamos sempre sobre o que foi feito do Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia, ali na Boca do Rio, construído na época de Roberto Santos, porém, totalmente abandonado ao longo dos governos subsequentes. Por que a ideia de um planetário em Salvador, em relação a qual o governador e o secretário de Ciência e Tecnologia já demonstraram interesse, não decolou? Essas ações mais lúdicas fora da escola contribuem para que nossas crianças possam compreender a natureza, o ambiente, o universo, a cultura, a ciência, e são passos básicos para pensarmos uma Nação com ene maiúsculo.

Mas esse não é apenas um problema brasileiro. Mesmo países com alto investimento em educação como a Suécia, a situação é preocupante. De 1995 para 2007, despencou em 42 pontos a avaliação do conhecimento científico da juventude sueca. Claro que esses testes não são lá muito confiáveis, uma vez que estabelecem padrões de comparação que nem sempre concordamos, mas, não resta dúvida, que dão um puxão de orelha, tanto lá como cá, nos governantes que não investem significativamente em educação, cultura, ciência e tecnologia.

Tais índices são, pelo menos, um alerta indicando que não podemos descuidar da turma pequena. Ela precisa de boa capacidade de leitura e escrita, associada a um bom conhecimento científico, e isso não acontece de um dia para o outro.

Darwin passou pela Bahia por duas vezes naquela famosa viagem do Beagle.

A segunda, exato no mês de fevereiro do ano de 1832. Quem sabe, aproveitando essas datas comemorativas, não tenhamos anúncios alviçareiros da retomada de projetos importantes visando a formação científica da nossa juventude, a exemplo do Museu de Ciência e Tecnologia, do planetário de Salvador e, também, de novos projetos como o de um Centro de Referência do Sertão, do fortalecimento do observatório Antares, em Feira, e de tantos outros que poderiam ser implantados pela Bahia adentro.

link para o jornal, mas não sei se vc consegue ver o texto por lá…

Replicado no Jornal da Ciência Hoje de 13.02.2009.

Veja aqui a maravilhosa charge de Simanca, na mesma página de A Tarde.

Este post tem 32 comentários

  1. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  2. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  3. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  4. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  5. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  6. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  7. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  8. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  9. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  10. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  11. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  12. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  13. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  14. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  15. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  16. Nelson Pretto

    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  17. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  18. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  19. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  20. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  21. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  22. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  23. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  24. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  25. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  26. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  27. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  28. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  29. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  30. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  31. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

  32. Nelson Pretto

    Mais sobre Darwin, no Brasil
    Recebi do meu amigo Ildeu Moreira (Department for the Popularization of S&T Ministry of Science and Technology – Brazil), uns links sobre as atividades do ano Darwin no Brasil.
    Achei que seria bom postar aqui…
    Some activities in the Darwin Year in Brazil:
    1) Darwin in Carnival in Recife and Olinda:
    Photos of the traditional lauching of the National S&T Week in the Carnival of Olinda and Recife with commemoration of the Darwin Year and IYA. Several scientists´ big dolls [Darwin, Galileu, Einstein, Carlos Chagas, …] were to the streets:
    2) The expedition \”The Darwin Trails\” has followed Darwin´s footsteps in his trip to the state of Rio de Janeiro (1832). The expedition had an intense participation of teachers, schools, scientists and general people. Commemorative plaques were launched in 12 cities or small towns. Randal Keynes (Darwin great-great son) participated all the time of the event.
    Photos of the expedition in:
    Similar activities will be organized in Uruguay and Cabo Verde.
    3) Project Darwin in Bahia with several activities organized in 2008 and many others for 2009:
    Valeu Ildeu!

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