Seminário na NTU, agora.

Nottingham Tent University

School of Arts and Communication
Seminar. 18 Feb 2009 – Clifton Room 219 – 4 pm.

Education and collective production of knowledge: the role of open source


Nelson De Luca Pretto – <>
Lecturer at School of Education at the Federal University of Bahia/Brazil and Visiting Scholar at the Theory, Culture and Society Centre (TCS)/ Schools od Arts and Humanities/NTU


Collaboration should be the keyword for education and historically was the basis of the birth of internet. The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) brought the idea of collaborative production of free knowledge using digital apparatus as blogs, microblogs, videos, audio and so on. Networks was established. Castells talks about Network Society. Lévy talks about Collective Intelligence. Gilberto Gil sings "Before the world was small / because the earth was big / Today, the world is very big / because the earth is small / like a satellite dish size. Parabolicamará."
The presentation  argues that the word network is used in many ways but, in most cases, it is associated with the traditional broadcast mass communication system even when there is an intense information flow, as we see on the majority of internet portals and "new" digital television. Broadcast is the keyword in this approach and, to overcome the "broadcast society" and the "school broadcast", we consider a collaborative production as a main approach. For this, we propose an intensive use of information and communication technologies using internet, specially web.20, software, cameras, portable devices, games and so on.
This discussion aims to re-think education in the context of digital cultural by looking at the experiences of use of digital technology by young people (the "alt+tab generation"), the open source movement and the spread of peer-to-peer productions and circulation of things. Creative licences, open archives, new ways of producing and systematising knowledge are being explored to gain a theoretical understanding of the relationships between education, culture and technology. Indeed, we are talking about Digital Culture(s), that means, an open space where new modes of relationships and exchange of cultures, wisdom, practices and experiences of knowledge might create new possibilities for the production of knowledge(s) and culture(s) themselves.

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