Who Are We

The concepts of Feminism and Queer have been interwoven into our discourses at various forums and panels of the IUAES. We wish to deal with all aspects of feminisms and queer theory. As a concept, feminism points to the widening disparities of wealth, health, power, and access to citizenship and human rights that characterize the current global era as a historically-contingent conjuncture that social scientists seek to interrogate and better understand. These growing disparities are grounded in intersecting dimensions of difference that implicate hierarchies and social asymmetries that are organized around gender, race, ethnonational or religious status, class, caste, sexuality, generation (i.e., age), or differences in ability. The most relevant intersections vary across contexts of time and space. The cultural logics, regimes of representation, geopolitics, and formations of political economy that contribute to the feminism and queer are deepening the social inequalities that re-shape the terrain upon which diverse human agents are differentially positioned to navigate within a variety of contexts, which range from local to transnational levels.

The International Commission on Global Feminisms and Queer Politics provides a platform for engaging in critical analysis on aspects of globalization, neoliberalism, development, and socio-political and gender dynamics that are often neglected within established bodies of anthropological research.


More about  the history of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and links to all of the Commissions you my find at its homepage.


With the aim of undertaking multidisciplinary and international research on transnational feminisms and queer politics in all regions of the world, through its local and global events and publications, the commission travels the world to identify and consolidate marginalized voices in feminist and queer anthropology, arts, and humanities in general.

During the 18th IUAES/ WAU Congress held at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Florianópolis, Brazil in 2018, there was a calling on all women scientists to participate in the Global Network of Feminist Anthropology: “a moment for the Meeting of All Women”. The full content of the articles presented during this Congress available at 18th IUAES World Congress Proceedings, divided into four volumes. 

The first conference oficialy organized by the Global Commission of Feminism and Queer Politics developed from the title: And Women in the History of Anthropology? It took place at the Universidade Federal da Bahia Salvador in Brazil on July 24-26, 2018 http://www.womeninanthropology.ufba.br/.

Since then, it is with great satisfaction that discussion networks in the area of gender and sexuality have grown in forums and panels organized by IUAES/WAU – World Anthropological Union.

In 2023, at the 19th edition of the IUAES / WAU Congress held in India, we had the registration of 8 panels entirely dedicated to the theme of gender and sexuality,(P023/ P027/ P034/ P039/ P064/ P087/ PT148/ PT161)  apart from participations in round tables and virtual panels.

Today we are happy to be collaborating with hundreds of scientists, researchers, artists, journalists, universities, and associations in all continents.


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Miriam Pillar Grossi (Brasil) – email: miriamgrossi@gmail.com

Martha Patricia Castañeda Salgado  (Mexico)

Members / participants

Adriana Piscitelli Brazil
Agnieszka Koscianska Poland
Akitomo Shinga  Japan
Alinne Bonetti  Brazil
Amanda Medeiros-Oliveira Brazil
Ana Cecilia Gaitán Argentina
Anabella Barragán Solís Mexico
Andrea Carolina Mexico
Andrea Rottmann  Germany
Athanasia (Nancy) Francis UK
Ângela Figueiredo  Brazil
Anita Keinz Germany
Asuno Tase India
Candice Vidal e Souza  Brazil
Carmelita Afonseca Silva Cape Verde
Carmen Gregorio Gil Spain
Carmen Rial  Brazil
Caterina Alessandra Rea  Brazil
Cecília Maria Bacellar Sardenberg  Brazil
Clementina Baptista Furtado  Cape Verde
Dayuan Chen UK
Debjani Bhattacharyya India
Douglas Santos da Silva Portugal
Eufémia Vicente Rocha Cape Verde
Elisete Schwade – Brazil Brazil
Fabiene Moraes de Vasconcelos Gama Brazil
Fatima Weiss  Brazil
Faye Venetia Harrison  USA
Fernanda Moraes – France France
Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes Brazil
Fiona Hackney UK
Giselle Guilhon Antunes Camargo Brazil
Grażyna Kubica-Heller Polonia
Grit Kirstin Koeltzch  Argentina
Heather O’Leary  USA
Helen Macdonald  South Africa
Heloisa Buarque de Almeida  Brazil
José Ignacio Pichardo Galán  Spain
José María Valcuende del Río Spain
Katarzyna Kosmala  Uk
Lia Zanotta Machado  Brazil
Laura Mercedes Oyhantcabal Uruguay
Loveena Sehra  India
Maiara Diana Amaral Pereira Brazil
Margaret Bullen  Spain
Mara Viveros Vigolla  Colombia
Marek Sancho Höhne  Germany
María Augusta Rodrigues Ribeiro Nicaragua
Maria Lis Baiocchi  USA
Maria Soledad Cutuli  Argentina
Mario Pecheny Argentina
Marion Teodósio De Quadros Brazil
Marisa Ruiz Trejo  Mexico
Martha Patricia Castañeda Salgado  Mexico
Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly Mexico
Miren Elixabete Imaz Martínez Spain
Miriam Pillar Grossi Brazil
Monica tarducci  Argentina
Nasim Basiri  Iran
Neisenuo Apon Rengma  India
Nilika Mehrotra  India
Nimisha John  India
Olga Orlic – Croatia Croatia
Paola Bacchetta USA
Patricia Alexandra Godinho Gomes Brazil
Reem Kassem  Egypt
Rozeli Maria Porto Brazil
Ropfuvino Krose India
Saptarshi Bairagi  India
Savita Borai  India
Rezwana Karim Snigdha Bangladesh
Subhadra Channa  India
Sumit saurabh srivastava India
Susana Rostagnol  Uruguay
Suzana Moura Maia Brazil
Suzana Vergara Brazil
Tânia Welter  Brazil
Vanja Petrovic Serbia
Vinicius Kauê Ferreira Brazil
Yihungle Ndang India