polis: Imagining the Socialist City

polis: Imagining the Socialist City.

Muito bom blog. Vale a pena dar uma olhada!!!


Retorno das Atividades

Nossas discussões quinzenais, que estavam previstas para serem retomadas em 06/03, finalmente terão início. Retornamos sábado, dia 08/05, às 09:30, na Pós-Graduação em Filosofia. A partir de então os trabalhos se concentram na leitura de The rule of Law, de Franz Neumann, bem como de outros textos importantes para sua compreensão. Quem tem importante trabalho sobre Neumann é José Rodrigo Rodrigues (ver link abaixo), do Núcleo Direito e Democracia do Cebrap.

Franz Leopold Neumann (1900–1954) « Visões (de José Rodrigo Rodriguez).


For or Against Official Development Assistance? – Webcast

For or Against Official Development Assistance? – Webcast.

The question of foreign aid’s impact on economic growth and development is highly controversial and excites polarised opinions. Optimistic views of aid are exemplified by those of Jeffrey Sachs, who calls for a doubling of worldwide aid flows as a moral obligation of rich countries that will ‘send forth mighty currents of hope’ and lead to ‘the end of poverty’. In contrast, William Easterly is a vocal sceptic, highlighting aid’s apparent historic inability to buy growth. And today, in the midst of a serious global economic crisis, where aid is arguably more needed than ever, the attention of both the aid community and decision-makers is on Dambisa Moyo’s ‘Dead Aid’, which argues for a complete cessation of aid flows to Africa. This event will provide a balanced overview of the academic literature that has evaluated the effectiveness of aid across countries. Focus will be on the aggregate impact of aid; that is, its effect on country-wide indicators, putting both recent and past literature and insights in perspective.
