V International Workshop in Epistemology

janeiro 23, 2017 | Comentários desativados em V International Workshop in Epistemology

Workshop in Epistemology-01-2

Entre os dias 15 e 16 de março, o Programa de Pós-graduação de Filosofia da UFBA promoverá o V International Workshop in Epistemology. Com o tema “Knowledge from Falsehood: When does Reasoning from a Falsehood yield Knowledge?”, receberemos o Prof. Dr. SVEN BERNECKER (University of Cologne, University of California/Irvine), um dos mais destacados epistemólogos da atualidade (http://www.faculty.uci.edu/profile.cfm?faculty_id=5364).

Essa é uma atividade coordenada pelo Prof. Waldomiro Silva Filho e pelo Grupo de Investigações Filosóficas (http://www.investigacoesfilosoficas.com), com apoio da Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia Analítica.

Entre os convidados para participar dos debates, estão os professores César Shirmmer dos Santos (UFSM), Tiegüe Vieira Rodrigues (UFMT), Danilo Fraga (prof. convidado UFBA), Arthur Viana Lopes (UFPB) e Felipe Rocha (UNAM, México).

Toda a atividade será em inglês.

Aqui está um resumo do tema que será discutido no workshop:

It is widely held that we sometimes acquire knowledge from falsehood. But there are also Gettier cases that essentially rely on reasoning from a falsehood. And it is obvious that Gettier subjects do not know. This raises the question of when reasoning from a falsehood yields knowledge. I propose a novel explanation of how knowledge from falsehood is possible despite the fact that Gettier subjects do not know. The idea is that reasoning from a falsehood yields knowledge when the states of affairs referred to by the reason-providing belief are such that, if they were to obtain, they would stand in a causal, identity or grounding relation to the states of affairs that make the target belief true.



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